

  • May 2023: Top 5% of student in Academia by NSUT ($1000)
  • June 2023: Premier Research Scholarship from Netaji Subhas University of Technology ($1400)
  • May 2022: Top 5% of student in Academia by NSUT ($1000)
  • June 2021: Delhi Govt. Scholarship to students who are enrolled in public universities ($2000)




Life at NSUT



Organisation: CanSat Team

Position: Software Member

This is our undergraduate team which participated in the prestigious CanSat Competition and achieved World Rank #8.

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Organisation: Team Kalpana

Position: CanSat Vice-Chair

Following our team's achievement of securing the impressive World Rank #8 in the CanSat Competition during our undergraduate years, we were inspired to encourage and guide our junior peers to partake in the competition. Consequently, I assumed the role of CanSat Vice-Chair, actively mentoring and guiding my juniors as they embarked on their journey in the competition.

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Organisation: ARES Robotics

Position: Software Co-Lead

ARES Robotics holds a distinguished status as an elite society, known for its stringent entry standards. The society consistently competes in prominent events like the University Rover Challenge and European Rover Challenge, achieving a notable milestone by reaching the finals in 2021. This environment offers ample opportunities for both acquiring knowledge and sharing expertise. Personally, I consider myself fortunate to be a part of such a remarkable group.

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Organisation: IEEE NSUT

Position: Webmaster

IEEE NSUT is a group of very competitive and ambitious people. After my successful tenure as a junior executive committee member of IEEE NSUT, I was promoted to Webmaster. Throughout my engagement with the organization, I enthusiastically volunteered for the successful execution of the IEEE Delhi Conference 2022, alongside organizing diverse events and Hackathons. My personal growth, both professionally and socially, owes much to the guidance and support extended by my senior colleagues, for which I am sincerely grateful.

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Organisation: Nakshatra NSUT

Position: Director of Maths and Astronomy

Ever since I was a child, I've held a deep fascination for the stars. My journey led me to NSUT, where I had the privilege of becoming a part of the Astronomy and Mathematics Society, Nakshatra. After immersing myself in the society for more than a year, I was honored to be elected as the Director of Mathematics and Astronomy. In this role, my aim is to mentor students who share my passion and ensure they find a sense of belonging within this vibrant community.

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Organisation: CodeChef NSUT

Position: Co-Lead Machine Learning

In my role as Co-Lead of the Machine Learning Department, I was responsible for guiding members in the machine learning domain. Throughout my time in this position, I assisted junior members in getting started with their journey in machine learning, and I also dedicated my efforts to serving society to the best of my abilities.

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