Academic Projects
mm-Wave attenuation due to rain using machine learning

Position: Undergraduate Researcher

Nov 2022-Feb 2023

Mentor: Prof. (Dr.) Ashok Mittal

The project aims to investigate mm-Wave attenuation due to rain using machine learning. A theoretical framework is presented to comprehensively examine the attenuation of mm-waves attributed to factors like rain rate, rain size, and shape. Next, the development of machine-learning models geared towards predicting attenuation levels. To validate the reliability of the developed machine learning approach, the obtained results were cross-referenced with data sourced from Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), affirming the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.

Status: Planning for a publication, manuscript in preparation

mm-Wave attenuation due to fog using machine learning

Position: Undergraduate Researcher

Aug 2022-Nov 2023

Mentor: Prof. (Dr.) Ashok Mittal

This project is dedicated to exploring the attenuation of mm-Waves caused by fog, employing the capabilities of machine learning. Initially, a comprehensive theoretical framework was devised to analyze the impact of fog density and visibility on mm-Wave attenuation. This investigation made use of real-time data sourced from the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD). Subsequently, the project transitioned into the development of precise machine-learning models, with a focus on predicting attenuation levels. These models incorporated real-time temperature data and geographical coordinates for accuracy. The validation process encompassed comparing the model predictions with data obtained from IMD, ultimately verifying the efficacy of the developed machine learning approach.

Status: Planning for a publication, manuscript in preparation

University Projects
Digital Mentor

Position: Team Lead


Aug 2023-Present

We initiated a university-funded project with a budget of $2500 aimed at fostering social outreach. Our endeavor entailed the development of a dedicated platform tailored for students, particularly focusing on girls, to delve into Python programming. The platform served as a conduit for honing industry-relevant skills through engaging in projects that mirror real-world scenarios. A significant facet of our initiative was establishing partnerships with diverse organizations, thereby extending support to students hailing from socially disadvantaged backgrounds. By equipping them with industry-level proficiencies, we endeavored to pave a promising pathway for their future career aspirations.

CanSat Competition

Position: Software Member


Sept 2021-June 2022

I participated in a prestigious competition organized by NASA, with the objective of constructing a satellite of can-sized proportions. The mission encompassed not only the satellite's physical construction but also the subsequent analysis and visualization of mission data through self-programmed software. Within this scope, I was responsible for developing the software infrastructure and establishing a ground station capable of facilitating two-way communication with the satellite. As a testament to our collective dedication and technical prowess, our team achieved a notable accomplishment, securing the distinguished World Rank #8 position in the competition's finals.

Open Source
Optimization Techniques Repository

May 2023-June 2023

I have curated a GitHub repository with a collection of over 10 implemented optimization algorithms. The repository represents a culmination of one month's dedicated effort, during which I meticulously implemented various nature-inspired algorithms. This diverse collection includes algorithms such as Simulated Annealing, Firefly Algorithm, Genetic Algorithm, and Particle Swarm Optimization, etc.

Machine Learning Repository

Jan 2022-March 2022

My GitHub repository is a comprehensive destination for machine learning enthusiasts. It is a collection of more than 10 essential machine-learning algorithms and features a diverse implementation of 30+ distinct projects. Within this repository, you can explore a range of essential algorithms, including Support Vector Machines, K-Nearest Neighbours, Naive Bayes, Decision and RF Trees, and advanced models like RNN, LSTM, and CNN. Noteworthy among the projects are applications such as Text Summary generation utilizing ANN, RNN and LSTM for Bitcoin price prediction, and Sentiment Analysis leveraging Natural Language Processing. This repository provides an inclusive resource, catering to the interests of machine learning enthusiasts by offering a plethora of algorithms and practical projects for exploration and implementation.


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